Wild­was­ser Augs­burg e.V –
Coun­sel­ling Cen­ter against Se­xu­al Vio­lence

Wild­was­ser Augs­burg e.V –
Coun­sel­ling Cen­ter against Se­xu­al Vio­lence

Coun­sel­ling Cen­ter against Se­xu­al Vio­lence

Wild­was­ser Augs­burg e.V. has been pro­vi­ding sup­port and coun­sel­ling with a tail­o­red, wide ran­ge of ser­vices sin­ce 1991. Coun­sel­ling ser­vices can be ac­cept­ed in per­son, by te­le­pho­ne or by email. We ad­vi­se free of char­ge. We also of­fer an­ony­mous coun­sel­ling upon re­quest.

Se­xu­al vio­lence af­fects child­ren, young peo­p­le and adults re­gard­less of age, gen­der and so­cial back­ground.
Se­xu­al vio­lence harms all free per­so­nal and se­xu­al de­ve­lo­p­ment of vic­tims.
Se­xu­al vio­lence ta­kes place in looks, words, images and deeds.

Vic­tims of se­xu­al vio­lence

We of­fer coun­sel­ling for vic­tims (male/female/divers) from the age of 9 up­wards.

Our ser­vices in­clude:

  • Spe­cia­list coun­sel­ling on the to­pic of se­xu­al vio­lence
  • Sup­port­i­ve spe­cia­list coun­sel­ling be­fo­re – du­ring – af­ter the­ra­pies
  • Pre­pa­ra­ti­on and af­ter­ca­re re­gar­ding a hos­pi­tal stay
  • Sup­port in the search for re­gis­tered doc­tors, the­ra­pists and other spe­cia­list agen­ci­es
  • Sup­port ser­vice in cla­ri­fy­ing and/or ans­we­ring ques­ti­ons in con­nec­tion with a cri­mi­nal com­plaint and in the event of ap­point­ments with la­wy­ers, po­li­ce and courts
  • Sup­port with ap­pli­ca­ti­ons for as­sis­tance, e.g. se­xu­al ab­u­se fund or foun­da­ti­on ap­pli­ca­ti­on
  • Su­per­vi­sed self-help groups for vic­tims and re­la­ti­ves
  • Sta­bi­liza­ti­on groups

The groups of­fe­red are eit­her gen­der-spe­ci­fic or mi­xed-gen­der.

Re­la­ti­ves and sup­port­ers

We ad­vi­se and sup­port re­la­ti­ves, e.g. par­ents, child­ren, grand­par­ents, but also fri­ends and part­ners of vic­tims. Our ser­vices in­clude:

  • Spe­cia­list coun­sel­ling on the to­pic of se­xu­al vio­lence among re­la­ti­ves (e.g. se­con­da­ry trau­ma­tiza­ti­on, sup­port op­ti­ons, sta­bi­liza­ti­on me­a­su­res)
  • Sup­port in fin­ding re­gis­tered doc­tors, the­ra­pists and other spe­cia­list agen­ci­es
  • Sup­port ser­vice in cla­ri­fy­ing and/or ans­we­ring ques­ti­ons in con­nec­tion with a cri­mi­nal com­plaint and of ap­point­ments with la­wy­ers, po­li­ce and courts
  • Sup­port with ap­pli­ca­ti­ons for as­sis­tance, e.g. se­xu­al ab­u­se fund or foun­da­ti­on ap­pli­ca­ti­on
  • Gui­ded self-help group for re­la­ti­ves
  • Gui­ded self-help group espe­ci­al­ly for par­ents of child vic­tims

Pro­fes­sio­nals and vol­un­teers

We ad­vi­se and sup­port professionals/volunteers who work with vic­tims of se­xu­al vio­lence. In ad­di­ti­on to in­di­vi­du­al coun­sel­ling, we also of­fer va­rious pre­ven­ti­on me­a­su­res at in­sti­tu­ti­ons.

Our ser­vices in­clude:

  • Spe­cia­list coun­sel­ling in ca­ses of su­spec­ted se­xu­al vio­lence
  • Spe­cia­list coun­sel­ling in deal­ing with vic­tims
  • Sup­port in the crea­ti­on of pro­tec­tion con­cepts
  • Supervision/case re­view
  • Fur­ther trai­ning
  • Sub­ject li­bra­ry


Know­ledge helps.

Re­sour­ce ori­en­ta­ti­on and in­for­ma­ti­on are core tasks of pre­ven­ti­on. The me­thods are va­ried and sui­ta­ble for the re­spec­ti­ve age-group.

No child can pro­tect its­elf alo­ne.

Adults are em­powered th­rough pre­ven­ti­on to re­co­g­ni­se si­gns of se­xu­al vio­lence and to re­act ap­pro­pria­te­ly to them.

Our ser­vices in­clude:

  • Self-as­ser­ti­on cour­ses
  • Work­shops for child­ren, teen­agers or peo­p­le with spe­cial needs
  • Par­ents‘ evenings
  • Fur­ther trai­nings for pro­fes­sio­nals and vol­un­teers
  • Lec­tures


Plea­se cont­act us

Wild­was­ser Augs­burg e.V.
Coun­sel­ling Cen­ter against Se­xu­al Vio­lence
Schieß­gra­benstr. 2
86150 Augs­burg

Pho­ne: 0049 821 15 44 44
Fax 0049 821 15 44 54

Email: beratung@​wildwasser-​augsburg.​de


In or­der to be able to pro­vi­de our full ran­ge of ser­vices, we rely on do­na­ti­ons. Do­na­ti­on ac­count

Wild­was­ser Augs­burg | Stadt­spar­kas­se Augs­burg
IBAN: DE86 7205 0000 8120 81 | BIC: AUGSDE77XXX

Send do­na­ti­ons di­rect­ly via Pay­pal

Thank you for your sup­port!

Wild­was­ser Augs­burg e.V. – Fach­be­ra­tungs­stel­le ge­gen se­xua­li­sier­te Ge­walt wird ge­för­dert durch